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Ball-Ball was all started by two kids wanting to have fun. They were just throwing a soccer

ball, And BOOM!  Their Wheels were turning so fast that they could have sworn they were burning. So they said "Hey, lets make a Sport out of this" and they did.



Alright the rules are easy



Balls used: Any ball really, preferably a soccer ball or a football.


So, there is a person named the Guardian who throws the ball towards the crowd. the person catches the ball and runs passed the Guardian while the Sackers jump on the person to tackle them. the point of the Runner is to get passed everybody and they get a point.


And remember to tiptoe through the tulips 


So, the team rules are a little more complex (see, I used a big word) 

 before the game one guardian is chosen .  Each team has 4 Squanto and 2 pilgrams (April Fools) each team has attackers and then follow the normal rules. Except you can pass the ball to the other attackers.  If the sackers sack you and you dont have the ball they get beached for 17 turns.

 2017 Ryan, caelan, and Levi.NET





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